What is prison?||Types of prisons||Most dangerous Prisons in the world

What is prison?||Types of prisons||Most dangerous Prisons in the world

Most dangerous Prisons in the world

    What is prison?

    A prison is a place or institution where a person is detained after being convicted and deprived of his or her liberty. Prisons, also known as jails. Prisons confine individuals against their will. People accused of crimes can be imprisoned until their trial.

    Types of prisons||What is the difference of prison and jail?

    There are divisions of prisons in India such as taluka, district level, and central level prisons in these divisions are known as sub jails, district jails, and central jails respectively.

    Most dangerous Prisons in the world

    Some movies show such a terrible prison. But there are some such prisons in reality. These prisons are in reality nothing short of hell. Today I will tell you about the most dangerous prison in the world.

    Gitarma Prison:

    Rwanda is a country in East Africa. Gitarma Prison is the hell on earth. According to the Daily Star website, the security guards give hell to the prisoners. The prisoners are severely beaten. Most surprisingly, there are reports that the prisoners are cannibals. That is, they kill each other and are seen killing and eating their own flesh.

    Tadmore Prison:

    In the northeast, the prison was located in Palmyra in the eastern Syrian desert. But now there is no longer the Syrian prison of Tadmore, which has been destroyed by ISIS. But at one point this was very dangerous. One prisoner told Amnesty International that the guards beat the prisoners unnecessarily. Prisoners were even hanged by ropes and beaten to death with sticks. The prisoners were so tortured that they would plead for suicide themselves. According to a 2001 Amnesty International report, there was a time when thousands of people were killed and committed suicide there in a matter of minutes.

    Camp 2 prison:

    People know very little information about North Korean concentration camps. North Korea has always caused controversy. In 2012, 2,222 people were detained at the camp. Many people call it a rumor. According to reports, there were more than 50,000 prisoners. Most of them protested against the North Korean rulers. So their whole family was arrested. It is not known if those people are still alive.

    Types of prisons

    La Sabaneta prison:

    The prison was located in the city of Maracaibo in the Venezuelan state of Julia. Venezuela's La Sabaneta prison has been rigged and beaten up. Police here helped prisoners. They took money from prisoners and gave them beds and rooms to sleep in. When it closed in 2013, there were only 700 prisoners. However, 3,500 prisoners were held there. which included children. There was also a gang war. In 2013, a total of 69 people were killed.


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