How to control weight, relieve constipation, maintain good vision, and control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

    Why weight control is important.
    Why weight control is important.

    Weight control is very important for a person to stay healthy. It helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, less stress on bones and joints, less work for the heart, etc. Weight loss to maintain health for life It is very important to keep.

    Top 5 weight control tips

    1. Eat regularly

    2: Eat plenty of fruit and veg

    3:Get more active

    4:Drink plenty of water

    5:Eat high-fiber foods

    Why does constipation occur?

    Why does constipation occur?
    The large intestine absorbs water from the body's wastes, resulting in the formation of solid substances called stools. When we have constipation, the food we eat can move very slowly through the digestive system. This causes the colon to take too long to absorb water from the waste. The stool becomes dry, hard, and therefore difficult to push out.

    Top 5 constipation control tips

    1: Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day

    2: Eat prunes and/or bran cereal.

    3: Get moving, exercise.

    4: Eat whole grains fruits and other high-fiber foods in your diet.

    5: Eat vegetables

    Why maintain good vision control is important.

    Why maintain good vision control is important.

    Top 5 maintain good vision control tips

    Look Away From the Computer Screen

    2:Eat Well

    3:Quit Smoking

    4:Wear Sunglasses

    5:Use Safety Eyewear

    Why blood sugar control is important.

    blood sugar

    Blood sugar levels are the main concern for diabetics. When a person’s blood sugar level exceeds 180 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), a type of high blood sugar known as hyperglycemia occurs.

    Elevated blood sugar levels can be dangerous if not controlled immediately and can lead to both short-term and long-term problems.

    Top 5 blood sugar control tips

    1:Eat the right carbohydrates

    2:Choose low glycemic index foods

    3:Increase dietary fiber intake

    4:Maintain a healthy weight

    5:Control portion size

    Why cholesterol level control is important.

    Why cholesterol level control is important.
    We can improve cholesterol by changing our lifestyle—high cholesterol can lead to heart disease and heart attack. There are some ways and medicines that can help improve cholesterol.

    Top 5 cholesterol level control

    1:Eat heart-healthy foods. 


    3: Quit smoking.

    4:Lose weight.

    5:Drink alcohol only in moderation.

    Read more for cholesterol level control: click