Let us know what is a Scheduled Caste | scheduled caste meaning | Scheduled Caste System | Scheduled Caste (SC)welfare

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Let us know what is a Scheduled Caste

Let us know what is a Scheduled Caste.

scheduled caste meaning

The Scheduled Castes (SCs) are one of the most disadvantaged socio-economic groups in India. This caste is also recognized in the Constitution of India and is classified as another category. They were known as the Depressed Class during most of the British rule in India.

In modern literature, scheduled castes are also referred to as Dalits. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes account for about 16.6% and 8.6% of India’s population (as per the 2011 census). The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 lists 1,108 castes out of 28 States in its First Schedule, and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 lists 744 tribes out of 22 States in its First Schedule. Since independence, Scheduled Castes were given reservation status, guaranteed political representation, priority in promotions, quotas in universities, free and stipend education, scholarships, banking services, various government schemes, and so on.

Scheduled Caste System.

The caste system is a curse for Indian society. The caste system has divided Indian society into narrow groups and classes. Despite the development of civilization and culture, the caste system plays a dominant role in our society.
scheduled caste meaning

1: Scheduled Castes and Tribes (ST/SC) are two official categories used in government documents to identify Untouchables and Tribes respectively. However, in 2008, the National Commission for Scheduled Castes noted that the term Dalit is traditionally used interchangeably with the official term “Scheduled Castes”. The commission has called the term 'Dalit' 'unconstitutional' in government documents and asked them not to use the term 'Scheduled Castes' instead.
2: The roots of the caste system lie in ancient society. There are two opinions on this. One distinguishes between upper castes and lower castes on the basis of origin, while the other calls the origin of caste systems among castes, which classifies caste systems on the basis of human actions. Since then, some people who dominate a community have taken advantage of it and this situation has created discrimination and exploitation of the weaker sections of society.

3: The number of SCs and STs called 'untouchables' is one-sixth of the population of India or 160 million. They have been victims of discrimination and lay-offs

Scheduled Caste System.

The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is the nodal body for monitoring the benefits of SCs. Although all the Union Ministries and State Governments are responsible for the development of Scheduled Castes, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment encourages their efforts in certain areas through specially designed schemes. It also oversees the efforts of the State Governments and Union Ministries to protect and promote the interests of Scheduled Castes.
Scheduled Caste System

The Ministry implements the Scheduled Castes Chav Plan under the Scheduled Castes Development Bureau. This Scheduled Castes Scheme is an umbrella strategy to ensure that they receive the financial and external facilities allocated for the development of Scheduled Castes by all other general departments. Under this strategy, States/Autonomous Regions should prepare and implement Special Component Plans for Scheduled Castes by allocating appropriate resources in their Annual Plans. Currently, 27 States/UTs with significant SC populations are implementing SC Watch Plans. Another policy for the development of Scheduled Castes is Central Assistance to Special Components. Under this, full assistance is provided to Scheduled Castes View Plans of States/UTs on the basis of certain criteria. These criteria are SC population in States/UTs, relative backwardness of SCs in States/UTs, percentage of SC households covered in the Annual Economic Plan to help them cross the poverty line in the States/UTs and State/UTs Part of the Special Component Plan given in proportion to the population of SCs. The National Scheduled Castes Finance Development Corporation (NSFDC) was established under the Ministry to provide loans to SC persons below twice the poverty line to carry out productive activities. Another corporation, National Cleaners Finance and Development Corporation, provides loans to cleaners, jamadars, and their dependents under the Ministry for income-generating activities through State Implementing Agencies for their socio-economic development. The Ministry enacted two laws to protect the civil rights of Scheduled Castes: Protection of Civil Rights Act, The Chidol Caste and the Chidol Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989). The Ministry works on the following pressing issues for the development of Scheduled Castes: taking care of 11(A) in the 20-point scheme – Justice for Scheduled Castes. Other positive actions include the private sector for SCs and STs. Free coaching, hostel facilities, and student scholarships are provided to SC students. In addition, financial assistance is provided to SC youth for economic self-reliance.

How many castes are there in SC?

1,109 castes.

Who comes under the SC caste?

Scheduled Castes List
1:Ad Dharmi. Aheria, Aheri, Hari, Heri. 2:Balmiki. 3:Bangali. 4:Barar, Bursar, Berar. 5:Batwal, Barwala 6. Barria, Bawaria. 6:Bazigar. 7:Bhanjra. 8:Chamar, Jatia Chamar, Rehgar, Ra igar, Ramdasi, Ravidasi, Balahi, Batoi, Bhambi, Chamar-Rohidas, Jatav, Jatava, Ramdasia.

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