What to do to increase your child's appetite

In this blog, I write What to do to increase your child's appetite, Do children need medicine to increase their appetite? and What can we do to end child hunger?

Brief description

What to do to increase your child's appetite

Every mother expects her baby to eat well and look good. That is why mothers are concerned when they see that their child is eating too little, taking too long to eat, or seeming to lose his appetite. There is anxiety. If the child is thin, there is more worry and anxiety. of comparing my own child's appearance with that of a neighbor or acquaintance. (Note, but does not compare with other skinny children). The Mother (and Father) then ran to The Doctor with the Child. Some Doctors prescribe immediate appetite suppressants on commercial grounds. Others, but, try to understand by examining the child first. If they cannot find a way, they also prescribe medicine. It is good to take such medicines to increase your appetite. Otherwise, the child's parents will get back to it. Sometimes they leave the previous one and go to a new doctor. This time it's a new drug. The results, but, are similar. Medicine may or may not work. This is because such medicines are actually medicines for other diseases. Increased appetite is a side effect.

Appetite stimulants

Do children need medicine to increase their appetite?

Medicines used to increase appetite contain various antihistamines. One of them is cyproheptadine. Some of the drugs used in this herb are pertactin, period, protein, anorexic, cyan, cisplatin, etc. Such medicines also have other side effects. These include drowsiness (but not sleeping well), trembling of the hands and feet, dizziness, dry lips, etc. Children usually cannot explain when these things happen. But they suffer. The result is an irritable mood.

Vitamin syrups are also used to increase children's appetite and health. These include phenformin, neurophos, tradition, elixir nizogozyme, vitahet, viriton, bears tonic, etc. These tonics usually contain a combination of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and other substances. It should be noted that these ingredients have no role in increasing appetite. These actions are mental. But, only the alcohol in tonics can actually stimulate appetite to some extent. Tonics have an alcohol content of 8 to 12 percent. This means that the alcohol content in tonics is higher than that in beer (6 to 8 percent). Think about it, should you try to increase your child's appetite by feeding him alcohol? It is not surprising that such children will become addicted to alcohol or other drugs in the future. So-called liver tonics or enzymes are also used to increase appetite. But, these medicines do not actually increase the child's appetite. Liver tonics are not required except in cases of inflammatory appetite. , specific enzymes can only be used in cases of digestive disorders.

Scientific aspects of hunger

Now we look at the scientific side of hunger. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain in our body. It contains two nerve centers associated with hunger. One is the hunger center, and the other is the satisfaction center. The cortex controls the process of eating and not eating. When the hunger center sends a signal to the cortex that it needs to eat, people want to eat. That is, I am hungry. When the stomach is empty, when the blood glucose level is adequate or high, the satiety center signals the cortex to stop eating. Besides, special stimulation of the autonomic nervous system can also stimulate the satiety center and reduce the desire to eat. One manifestation of such excitement is anxiety.

What can we do to end child hunger?

The cortex controls the process of eating. It is influenced by the appetite center. But, that effect is only partial. Psychological, social, and environmental issues also affect the cortex. These issues play a major role in children. Food, the desire to eat certain things, the mental agitation of having to eat the same things all the time, lack of joy, and mood also affect a child's appetite and eating habits. Lack of facilities to play, lack of companionship, etc. If the child's home environment is not happy, if there is no goodwill between the parents, or if both parents are too busy to give the child enough time, the child's mind is affected. In such circumstances, the child becomes reluctant to eat. They cannot be fed even if they are forced.

Other aspects associated with increased appetite in children

Nowadays, systems are increasing instead of joint families. There is a lack of adequate open space housing, with many families living in cramped flats. In such an environment, children cannot play, run around, or do any physical labor. They are almost held, hostage. Also, if both parents are employed, the child has to be left with forest children or in a crèche. In such situations, the child tries to keep the mother close to him for more time. They have no other choice but to be reluctant to eat and prolong the eating process. The above aspects should be considered and corrected as far as possible before treating a child's appetite. Another thing, the child can be skinny but actually healthy. But, a child who does not look good may not be actually healthy.

Provide a good environment for the child, play, provide playmates, and go with the child if there are no others. Try to vary your diet without the same food. Treatment is required if the child is sick, but there is no need to use medicines to increase

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