What is PCOD problem in females? | What causes PCOD | How to Deal With PCOD/ PCOS?

What is PCOD problem in female?

What is the PCOD problem in females?

Like other diseases in the female body, some affect the organs involved in the female reproductive process such as the ovaries and uterus. There are many problems in the woman's body as a result of various diseases. Many problems range from the ability to conceive to disturbances in the menstrual cycle. One such problem is PCOD. (polycystic ovarian disease) or ovarian cysts (a collection of unnecessarily formed cells). How does this PCOD or ovary produce such unwanted cells? What does the ovary of a fertile woman do? However, they produce the necessary and mature eggs for the reproductive process every month. and when ready within 28 days or a month This mature egg does not fuse with the sperm | If there is no reproduction or pregnancy, then that Mature egg with a thin layer of the uterus. who comes out of the door This is called a woman's menstrual period. Menstrual bleeding contains some blood along with eggs. Now the thing is that for some reason the ovaries cannot produce mature eggs. That is, they begin to produce only immature or partially mature eggs, even in large quantities. The eggs form cysts in the ovaries. This cyst causes the ovary to enlarge in size. Androgens are the same hormones produced in men as in women. It starts to happen. Women make up about 10 percent of the world's population. These cyst problems and these statistics The cyst causes the ovary to enlarge in size and | Androgens are hormones produced in the male body. Yes, that hormone starts to be produced in the female body. About 10 percent of women worldwide are women They suffer from cyst problems.

What causes PCOD

And these statistics are slow. Slowly increasing. It's not that. A woman with PCOD cannot get pregnant, but there are complications in pregnancy.

Slowly increasing. It is not that a woman with PCOD can not become pregnant, only that pregnancy is complicated.

| Now let's talk about the causes of this ovarian disorder. Although the exact cause behind PCOD is not clearly known, there are some factors that are considered to be the medical causes of PCOD. Hormones are actually the reproduction or children of a female body. Helps maintain productivity, such as estrogen, Progesterone, and other destroyers

The mosquitoes begin to produce mature eggs, which prevents them from fertilization. There are many reasons why you shouldn't produce insulin in your pancreas. There are many reasons why you shouldn't produce insulin in your pancreas. can. Some of the symptoms of this problem are not able to. In excessive amounts in the female body.

These are the most common causes of inflammation in the body. These are the most common causes of inflammation in the body Lifestyle, and performance will be PCOD. 

How to Deal With PCOD/ PCOS?

Some of the symptoms of PCOD

1) Menstrual irregularities or fixed periods

being late,

2) Absence of menstruation, 3) Excessive bleeding,

4. Face, back, abdomen and chest. Too much in different parts of the body

5. Acne on the face, chest, lower breasts, and waist. to come out,

6. Weight gain, | 7. Thinning of hair on the scalp,

| 8. Darkening of the skin of the neck, lower breasts, and waist.

| If you experience the above symptoms, see a gynecologist immediately. After examining the necessary aspects, he will advise you to undergo the necessary tests. Usually blood tests and ultrasonography. PCOD can be diagnosed immediately.

Now we come in another direction. This PCOD causes other comorbidities of the body and mind of the affected woman.

Is PCOD is a serious problem?

Some of the diseases of PCOD include

1) Abnormal urinary tract bleeding, 

 2) Childlessness,

3) Type-2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus, 

4. Premature labor pains and resulting premature or premature birth,

5) Increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke,

6. Depression, anxiety (mental),  

7. Sleep apnea (a disorder in which breathing suddenly stops and starts again during sleep). - PCOD is not a disease, but a complication of various diseases or problems in the body. After the diagnosis of PCOD, the doctor should prescribe the necessary medicines.

There is also unnecessary weight loss. I will also recommend doing so. Maintaining a balanced body weight through physical activity, posture, walking, and eating a moderate and balanced diet can prevent PCOD and related problems. So there is no reason to worry about this problem. All you have to do is consult a doctor in the specific department.

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