Urinary tract infections and prevention | urinary tract infection treatment

In this blog, I wright that, Urinary tract infections and prevention, urinary tract infection treatment, how a woman gets a urinary tract infection, urinary tract infection causes, urinary tract infection in men, what is the best antibiotic for urinary tract infection, and urinary tract infection symptoms.

Urinary tract infections and prevention

Recently, the number of people suffering from urinary tract infections is increasing for various reasons. It is actually a bacterial infection but can occur anywhere in the urinary tract. UTI is considered to be the second most common type of infection in the body. Thus, urinary tract infection means that any part of the urinary tract (kidneys, bladder, urethra) is infected, while the lower urethra and bladder are more involved and women are at higher risk of UT than men. , limited infections in the bladder can be quite painful and annoying and can have serious consequences later. Thus, the location of infection based on the above, the symptoms are as follows

—A strong constant urge to urinate.

– Burning sensation when urinating.

— Frequent, scanty urination.

—Strong-smelling or foul urine.

- In women, pain in the pelvis (lumbar joint) or pubic bone area.

— In the case of or ignoring older people. Confusion in mental changes, etc.

urinary tract infection treatment

Each type of UTI causes specific signs and symptoms.

They are—

Kidneys: (acute pyelonephritis) means swelling of the kidneys.

Symptoms – high fever, vomiting or nausea, chills, and chills.

Bladder (Cystitis): Enlargement of the bladder

Symptoms: Lower abdominal discomfort, bleeding in the urine.

Urinary tract: (Inflammation of the urinary tract)

Symptoms— Burning with urine.

how a woman gets a urinary tract infection

 Factors of UTS:

– Since urinary tract infections are usually acercila | It is caused by a bacterium called cola in most patients.

- But, some pathogens are also caused by clobchilla, pneumonia, enterococcus, faecalis, staphylococcus, and saprophyticus.

– when bacteria through the urethra There is a risk of urinary tract infection if it enters the bladder.

– Or, urinary tract infections appear when the body fails to deal with the infection.

— Also prolonged retention of urine.

— It is also likely to occur in women following menstruation or poor vaginal hygiene.

urinary tract infection causes


Usually, to diagnose urinary tract infections

“Urine is tested for red blood cells, white blood cells, and bacteria. There is no one with him. A person's urinary tract is determined by ultrasound, cystoscopy (a device with a lens inside the bladder), and CT scan. But, UT. Infection. They are caused by bacteria and attempts are made to remove them.

urinary tract infection symptoms.

Preventive measures:

a) Keeping hydrated is the easiest way to prevent urinary tract infections. . . . .

b) Avoid the habit of holding urine in the bladder for long periods of time.

c) Try to keep good toilets clean to prevent bacterial attacks. |

d) Change clothes immediately if you sweat after any physical activity. This is because too many bacteria can migrate to some urinary tracts.

e), never wear tight clothes. Instead, cotton cloths prevent excess moisture from becoming trapped around the urethra.

f) Besides, according to various studies, blueberries, raspberries, etc. contain anchoinidins that prevent infectious bacteria from entering the lining of the urinary tract.

g) Besides, people with UTIs can eat bananas, beans, lentils, nuts, and oats to remove harmful bacteria from the body and relieve bladder pressure.

h) Besides these, oranges, lemons, and green vegetables can be included in the diet as sources of vitamin C to boost immunity or prevent any infection.

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