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Some basic guidelines to use Facebook ads to promote your posts if you have an e-commerce

    Running a campaign with Facebook Ads is not complicated and it is not that easy. After learning a bit about it, the vast majority of people will be able to create their first ad with ease. In this case, getting things done does not equal success. The first is easy, the second requires one thing first: trial and error.

    How to advertise on a Facebook page

    In our collection project, we work on the conversion funnel and now focus on the traffic acquisition stage. So our goal is web traffic and the metric we measure is the cost per click (CPC). The objective is to be at or below 0.05 euros. It is complex data to implement, so we are usually at the top. Many weeks we can do better because we forget some basic guidelines that have been applied successfully in the past, but due to lack of documentation, we forget to continue doing it. So this article will serve you and us.

    It should not exceed the already famous 20% of the text of the post. While Facebook has relaxed this rule, allowing you to post Facebook ads with more than that percentage, it also warns you that your posts may have less reach and be less effective.

    It is very easy to remember this. What I'm trying to say is that we reserve to complicate our lives for other issues, and we respect this advice from Facebook not to pass the text when we post.

    Don't post and promote now

    Generally speaking, it's not a good idea to post and promote at the same time. In our case, we publish 1 post per day, then wait a few days and choose the one that organically shows the best results.

    There are exceptions to this rule when we publish posts that we already know will be successful, as they have proven time and time again in the past. In our case, they were products with a certain product type, or we placed several photos of recently uploaded products.

    Use post templates

    We have a template that we use every day to create posts. We don't always do exactly what they ask, but they are a great guide for those who don't have much experience yet.

    Facebook Ads Manager

    A great "trick" that almost always increases the level of engagement is to make use of the many photos in the post. It's a bit like an IKEA catalog but in a Facebook format. People love to browse and search for products, even if that doesn't mean they'll buy them outright. Don't complicate your life with photos. It is important that they present the product well, in good quality, and in good quantity. Do not waste time putting other elements, putting filters, logos, or other stupid things.

    Make an unboxing post

    How can I promote my Facebook page for free?

    Unboxing is a great post to engage users. It's not always reflected in the level of engagement on a post, because just seeing it and doing nothing else doesn't count (other than views).

    We use unboxing to create content for Facebook and other channels. When you do, remember to put a link to your online store in the post. When shared organically, it allows you to build a brand and generate web traffic. Not all unboxing works with Facebook ads, but on average they often give better results than promoting regular posts.

    Extra Ball: Market Position

    An ad that is great at attracting visitors is one that is not actually delivered through a post. You must select "Range" for the "Market" position to appear later. It's Facebook's Wallapop, so there are a lot of people with higher activation levels.

    How can I boost my Facebook page for free 2022?

    Generally, when you advertise, the CPC here is very low. You do not have to complicate your life at the level of ads. In our case, our batch of products would generate a lot of clicks. Something similar can work for you. It's a matter of trying.

    Well, I already have our missing documentation. I hope it will serve as a guide, in addition to a basic guide to promote your publications with Facebook Ads. We continue.

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