Corona, Monkeypox after Marborg virus fear ! No treatment, no vaccine, the outbreak is on the rise in West African countries

In Ghana, two people have died of the Marborg virus and 98 people have been quarantined for fear of spreading the outbreak. This terrible infectious disease can lead to fever, muscle aches, diarrhea, vomiting, and in some cases excessive bleeding.

Marborg virus

In Ghana, two people have died of the Marborg virus and 98 people have been quarantined for fear of spreading the outbreak. This terrible infectious disease can lead to fever, muscle aches, diarrhea, vomiting, and in some cases excessive bleeding. So far, the disease has killed hundreds of people, most of whom were in Africa.

Marborg virus news

The virus is related to the same deadly Ebola virus. According to the World Health Organization, Marborg virus was first detected in 1967 when 31 people were identified as infected and seven dead in a sudden outbreak. The incident was reported in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany and Belgrade, Serbia