Which things are scientific | what is scientific knowledge based on

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    The story of Archimedes using a mirror to destroy the warships of the Romans who came to invade in 213 BC is well known Huge bronze and glass mirrors were made to focus the sun's rays on enemy ships coming by sea and burn them The great scientist Archimedes was the military advisor to Emperor Hero at that time.

    Which things are scientific

    Research has shown whether Archimedes could burn a ship by focusing the sun's rays on a large glass mirror and reflecting it on the ship. The researchers built a giant mirror measuring 300 square meters and placed it on the beach to reflect the sun's rays to test whether they could start a fire on a ship. They placed a wooden fishing boat 45 meters away and tried to light the boat by focusing the sun's rays on it. However, only slight burns were seen on the boat. Again they continued the experiment. He slowed the distance from the boat and threw the beam again. Finally, they found a slight fire. The researchers are from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    A few scientists at the University of Arizona also researched this without success. They could not light the slightest fire by reflecting the sun's rays with such huge mirrors. There wasn’t even smoke.

    Researchers concluded that Archimedes did not do such an impossible task. This is because Archimedes was especially a mathematician.

    There are many stories not only in the world of science but also in other fields that everyone thinks or has thought to be true. Such events are called Myths in English. In other words, a myth is a fictional or unreal event that seems to be true.

    what is scientific knowledge based on

    Tansen is also said to have brought rain by singing. It is possible to sing and bring tears to the eyes of the listener, But it is not possible to make rain in the clouds of the sky, But we have been saying this as a true story. this is also a myth.

    One of our researchers can research whether Tansen's songs could bring rain. After research, it will be proved or we can have an idea whether such an event can happen.

    Which things are scientific?

    Things or events that can be tested and theories or events or reactions that can be tested according to the same rules and give the same answer or result over and over again are scientific. Thus, the mentality of saying “truth is false” or “false is true” without research or testing is not scientific. Such ideas are and will continue to be among us.

    basic things in science science

    Even in these days of science and technology, many wonderful things and beliefs, let alone science, are gaining prominence among us. Many of these unscientific and irrational practices, beliefs, and practices have been manipulated by a group of clever people taking advantage of the mental and economic weakness of the people. They are also trying to win the hearts of the people by misusing computers and internet technology. Such attempts are not confined to places like Assam or our country. In the era of globalization and satellite communications, harmful rays are hitting the progressive thinking of mankind. Such unscientific thinking has had a negative impact on the development of superstitions in our public life. Only if we can analyze such mentality as a whole and fight against the factors that are working to spread the poisonous gas of superstition in the society with a scientific mindset can the common and unenlightened people of the society be saved. The mentality of people with academic education may not be scientific either. They are also superstitious in various ways and their thoughts and actions respond to irrational activities in society. In fact, science awareness means rational thinking and it does not necessarily require higher scientific education to develop such thinking. People can have healthy thinking and a scientific mindset even if they are not science students or have acquired academic education.

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